Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day Topsy Tail Created Heart and Natural Curls Combination Hairstyle

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!!!  Here is yet another Valentine's Day hairstyle for the fellow Divas out there &lt;3 I had already posted this one on our Face Book page and i had received the idea from one of the fellow amazing hair blogs i just forget which one(s) so if YOU have done this prior too i will gladly mention with credit <3

This style is "Topsy Tail" created and it begins with a half pony tail. After i pony tailed half of her hair i split the section into two even parts and i braided them individually creating two braids from the pony tail as shown below...

This is where the Topsy Tail tool comes into play... I do not know if there are modern versions of these as i have not seen any. This is one I've had since i was young that i had found un used in my misc boxes of things.  I figured i would get it out and start playing with it!

Then i put the two braids through the hole on the Topsy Tail and centered the pick end underneath her pony tail and pushed the braids up through the pony tail to where they were then in a "water-fall" fashion one on the left and one on the right.  I had two bobby pins handy and i molded each braid into a left and right forming a heart between the two and i used 1 bobby pin on each side to hold the heart in place. Then i rubber banded the two ends together as pictured below...

Here is a close up of the braided heart <3

I was going to leave her hair just like that with no addition but i decided that since i had so much hair in the top pony tail it thinned out her bottom section so i decided i would pony tail it with the top section remainder and adorn it with one of our new Valentine bows from Cute N Curly Bowtique <3

I used our distilled water spritz, Darcy's Botanical's Curl Styling Cream and Pure Jojoba Oil (which i will be reviewing shortly)...

The Jojoba Oil i used lastly as a sealer and moisture retainer and i used just over a nickel size amount along side a few spritzes of distilled water for dilution.

These are the bows we were blessed with for Valentines Day <3 <3 <3

This style was simple and quick and its super easy, no skill needed. This one is one of my favorite hairstyles that we did this year as of yet.

Diva R's Mommy-Kim

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