OK OK OK :) I have finally touched ground with my computer again! I feel like a life line has been taken away when my computer has issues. Now all is good for at least a few days. Lap tops go through power cords and batteries like children do toys...
Any who,
We used 10 flexi-rods this time around and let me tell you, the first time we tried the flexi-rods we bought the smaller in diameter rods.
This was the first time we tried the flexi-rods...
This time around we began with washing her hair with Organix Shea Butter Shampoo followed by Organix Coconut Milk Conditioner. I squeeze dried her hair slightly but i never over dry it so that when i put the Bee Mine Luscious Balanced Cream Moisturizer in right after the squeeze dry, it allows for her hair to soak in the Water and Moisturizer before i put in the final product the Bee Mine Bee Hold Curly Butter, which seals the water and Bee Mine Luscious Balanced Cream Moisturizer into her hair creating the natural shine, softness, growth and health of Diva R's Curlees.
These are the before products picture(1st pic), and after Bee Mine Product application pictures (2nd and 3rd pic).
I have really noticed growth on her hair since we began using the Bee Mine Products, they are just beyond amazing and Divas Curls are the healthiest ever resulting from daily usage for 2 months and counting :)
As far as the 1st attempt on the rods is concerned it didn't go well nor did the subsequent 3 after that. It was evident quickly that Diva R's hair just does not hold these rods in her hair or that these are too small and mimic her own curl type causing no difference. I decided to give the flexi-rods another whirl but this time i bought the BIG flexi-rods.These were $3.99 for 5. I have used a variety of products to try and help get her hair to hold the rods in. I have tried twisting the rods in many different styles and none of them will hold her hair still it just unravels near instantly. I resorted to rubber-banding the bottoms of her hair to the rods.
I put those plastic red hair clips on the tops of the flexi-rods in attempt to hold them together at least over night. ($1.29 each pair, i got from a local wig shop) These are sort of shaped like an alligator mouth and are the best clips i have found yet for holding Diva R's finer textured hair in place while i braid just not flexi rods.
I then tried to rubber-band the flexi-rods together in sections at the top of her head to hold them since the rods were slightly too thick for the clips to hold snugly. I believe these are too heavy for her hair type.
Within an hours time the rods were hanging down her back...
The results turned out rather adorable despite the rods being fickle and Diva was pleased :) ALSO the mystery preview is in the picture below to the right :) Can you guess what type of style we will be doing? I will give you a HINT... <It will take ALL DAY LONG> *_*
Her delight and joyous expressions are my motivation and hair time is our time :) .She loves to help me pick out all style accessories, color themes, she LOVES to string the beaders when i am beading, outfits and accessories to match her hair accessories she also has choice in and we like to experiment with versatile hairstyles that i can change up within a 4-6 day time period so i can turn one hair style into 4 in one weeks time saving hours of time :)
SNEAK PEEK! What type of style do you think im doing for Tuesday? Comment Please.
Diva R's Mommy-Kim