This was supposed to be shared back around Easter time! BUT i had just stumbled upon these photos that were on another camera that i some how passed up! So better late than ever...
For Diva R's 4th Birthday i added some funk to her hair with baby blue and white yarn extensions... To reflect on her Bday style click here.
What i used and how i did it is in the above linked post so i will just show what i did to re-style and add a few matching accessories to match with her Easter dress.
I just simply braided one big braid out of all of the bottom section cornrows and secured it in placed with one of our new bright pink butter fly hair ballies. Then with the sideways cornrows i adorned them with a bow a friend of mine made for Diva R, it matched her dress perfectly and it wasn't even planned!
Then i braided one big braid from the side remaining cornrows and secured it with a hot pink butterfly ballie.
This was a super quick re-style and it took all of less than 3 minutes.
God Bless.
Diva R's Mommy-Kim

Welcome to Our Natural Hair Emporium Showcasing Natural Hair Styles, Proper and Healthy Hair Care for Children and Adults, Tips/Tricks, Do's/Dont's, The Good and Bad in the Natural Hair World, Tutorials, Product Reviews,Our Trips to Cultural Events and MUCH MORE! I provide personal consultations to those local and My Blog Functions as my Portfolio as a Children's Hair Stylist. This is a Blog for ALL Types and Textures of Hair, Curly or Not, Biracial or Not.
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Spider Web Crazy Hair Day Style with Halloween Flare
I don't know about you BUT Ive had the spirit of Halloween since September because when those leaves start to fall we know whats coming next and we start decorating and doing all types of Halloween related activities, crafts and baking! So Spirit week came up so quick and the second day within spirit week consisted of Crazy Hair /Mismatched Day so with this in mind i wanted to do something Halloween related but also something unique because ever since last year when I did Diva R's Crazy Hair Day Style with Valentine Flair people have seriously been expecting something to compete with that and were asking me weekly what i was going to do for the next Crazy Hair Day... I have not had much time to be beyond creative BUT after days and days of searching i came across Princess Piggies Spider Web Hair Style and i couldn't believe i wasn't already following this blog!

So here is what i used and how i did it....
I gathered my
*Tangle Teezer
*Rat tail comb
*Small white pony o's
*Clear rubber bands
*6 small clippies
*Spider rings in purple, green, black and orange
*Distilled water spritz, Bee Mine Curly Butter and Bee Mine Juicy Spritz
So i began by shampooing and conditioning her hair, rinsing and leaving it wet. Then i made sure her hair was completely tangle free and i created a pony tail in the center of her head that i made sure was snug but not super tight. I used the Tangle Teezer to smooth her hair back into the pony tail so i had little to no frizzies or curlees sticking out. As i did this i was applying some Curly Butter to help smooth out the process and hold the hairs in place. Then i separated the pony tail into 6 even sections and rubber banded each individually about an inch and a half out from the base of the pony and followed each up with a pony o. I spritzed some distilled on as i went because her hair was trying to dry up. Then each of the 6 sections that i parted out i split in two and then i had 12 sections and i rubber banded and pony tailed them each going outwards like a connected veil. I repeated this one more time around her head as that is all her hair length would allow for and i rubber banded and pony tailed them just as i did the rest.
At this time i realized that i had about 2-2 1/2 inches of hair left from each of the sections which i was going to attempt to twist bun them like Princess Piggies did but Diva R's hair wasn't cooperating so i had to roll the hair in a single roll and twists it as much as i could and clip it down so that the web will stay in its stretched place and not fold inwards like it would have if the clips weren't there to hold the edges of the web in place.
If you'll notice her hair looks frizzy by the edges and that's those stubborn baby hairs trying to peek out, there as nothing i could do to clean this up they just had to be tucked in the best i could and dealt with. Below is a close up :)
I didn't take pics prior to putting spiders in because i felt that it was hard to get good pics to describe what it was without the full effect and i still feel like these pictures didn't do the style its justice as if you were to see it in person. BUT if you know how to do a veil than you can do this with no problem. I also believe that the longer the hair the easier this is to achieve. I chose to use the spider rings because i figured they would be easiest to put in and i wanted a web full of spiders and nothing in the stores would halfway work as good as these did.
The next test was going to be taking her to school for her wacky crazy hair and mismatched day and see if the style will stay in place! I made sure everything was secured and not moving because i know that she would be playing dress up in school as this is her FAV pastime with her classmates. I told her not to put anything on over her head and not to let people touch her hair.
So when we get to school people are oogling and ooh and ahhh-ing
To my surprise the style stayed in placed exactly how i had it! YAY!
I guess i always over do it but that's better than doing nothing at all. Diva R's self esteem speaks for my level of care. and for weeks she was asking "Mom when are you going to put the spider web and spiders in my hair?" So when it came time she was super excited and was living in the mirror LOL
From beginning to end this style took about 2 hours with breaks and fooling with the baby hairs :)
Diva R's Mommy-Kim
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Spirit Day Hair Style
It seems like a few weeks ago we had spirit day for Diva R's school spirit week but it has seriously been since last school year! WOW the time sure flies by... So Diva R's school colors are still Green and Yellow so of course i had to do something that was different than last school years style but still cute and with use of the school colors. To see or reflect on last years school style please click here...
This time around i was going for something we haven't done BUT i also wanted to keep it simple and quick as well as something that will stay in for a few days with little to no maintenance. I grabbed our rat tail comb, 10 pony tails in green and yellow, distilled water spritz, Luscious Balanced Cream Moisturizer, and Juicy Spritz.
We decided on some non-conventional piggy back braids.

The style pretty much explains itself as i just simply parted her hair down the middle and just parted 4 sections on each side that were similar in size that i pony tailed each individually.
I began with the front left section and i pony tailed it off and braided about 3 inches, give or take ,of the remaining hair and then pony tailed that braid into the next section underneath then i braided about 3 inches of the remaining hair from the prior two sections and pony tailed that off and so on.
As i went i applied a dab of the Luscious Balanced Cream Moisturizer so that I would be locking in the pre applied distilled water, with it being a thick cream moisturizer it really does its long term moisturizing job and this is what we needed for this style because i wanted it to stay in for a few days. It is always crucially important to make sure that you have a very good thick moisturize, doesn't matter what your hair type texture or even density is, if you style your little ones hair (or your own) in any type of style moisture needs to be present and LOCKED in so that the hair stays nourished and moisturized.without need for re doing the hair or reapplying product after product. Not only do thick moisturizer provide great moisture that lasts but they also serve as a hold product that will help keep fly away's in and smooth out the edges in a healthy moisturizing fashion making the style be able to last longer in its healthy styled state as well as aide in maintaining the hairs natural health with benefits of increase <3
In total the style too about 35 minutes i attribute this timing to moisturizing and parting. We achieved our simple and quick cute spirit day hair style and were ready for Diva R to have an amazing time at school with the spirit day activities and class participation. I'm big in to participating in and going to everything school, and activity related and having the kids involved. I don't remember my parents ever dressing me up and going to all the functions consistently and I'm glad I'm older and don't remember because i was probably bummed when i was younger because i can now see how the kids feel who's parents don't read the calendars and don't go out of their way to have their kids participate in activities an functions at school as they see all the other kids dressed up and doing things theme specific...
Diva R's Mommy-Kim
French Braids and Natural Curls
*Simple and quick ALERT* Had to break out the french braids again as these are getting easier and easier for me to do now and i love the change up in braid looks. So i gathered my wide tooth comb, 2 rubber bands, hair bow of Diva R's choice, distilled water spritz, Bee Mine Curly Butter and Darcys Botanicals Cherry Kernal Nectar Hair & Body Oil. So the idea was simple and quick while incorporating two french braids and natural curls!
I coated her hair lightly with the distilled water and squeezed it in because i was going to do this style on her dry hair.
I simply parted from just behind her ear and went across the top of her head and stopped at the back of her other ear in a half moon fashion. I didn't feel the need for a rat tail or pick comb as i was going for a wider part with less of a need for perfection. French braids are distracting anyways (in a positive way) so the results are never really tight or really perfect because that's how the style originated many years ago and people since just add their own twists :) This is why when i do them i just let my hands go and grab sections as i go.
Then i parted a part on the side of my Divas head, applied some Curly Butter and grabbed a small front section in the front of where i wanted to create the french braid and split it in three sections and began to braid. I LOVE side parts and i french braided overhandedly because i love the french braids that POP. Then i did the same for the other side and rubber banded them TOGETHER behind her head, underneath her hair such as how a headband would be.
I added one of Diva R's newest bows which my friend Mommy A (Diva R's bestie's momma) made for her. ITS HALLOWEEN <3 we just love the bow! Its one of two bow blessings that Diva R received and she has worn it many times <3
So then i moved on to the back section of her hair which was freely hanging, i finger combed a few dabs of Bee Mine Curly Butter throughout and topped it off with a few spritz's of our DB Cherry Kernal Nectar Oil.
Here is an awesome side view of her style and the amazing bow <3 I just combed her baby hairs down which were remaining from the braids. I prefer not to gel or harshly slick them down because there is no way i want to stress her already sensitive hairline and most importantly these little curls are gifts from God and this is how he wanted them to be so i let them do their thing :)
Here is what the other side looked like you can get the idea of how i rubber banded the two french braids underneath her hair.
Under 20 minutes later the style was complete and expected to last a few days with minor touch ups :)
The style lasted strong for two days and then i restyled it <3
Diva R's Mommy-Kim
Monday, October 24, 2011
Pretty Brown Girl T-Shirt Review
Through my never ending search for empowering, inspirational movements for us to get involved in i had come across Pretty Brown Girl through the BLAC Magazine and just had to learn more! So while talking to BLAC Magazine i learned that the founders are from my home state Michigan! Shout out to my Michigan people! MI is on the map for sure now. I had to join in on the fun, this movement was just beginning to launch when i found out about it and I'm so bummed i couldn't make the launching event :'( I missed out on so much... So i talked to PBG's blessed and amazing creator Sheri Crawley and i was filled in on future info and was so glad that there will be event in my area that we will be able to attend ^_^
Here is a bit of information on PBG that i gathered from their website...
Our upcoming Pretty Brown Girl events will create opportunities for our young Pretty Brown Girls to experience new things, meet new people, learn to advocate for themselves, and ultimately go out and make a unique difference in the lives of others. They will be encouraged to discover their talents and how to use their skills and gifts to impact and enhance our communities.
The issue of girls not knowing their value and self-worth is alarming and the time has come for us to start the dialogue at an early age. Now is the time for us to ensure that our girls have self-confidence and strong-self esteem. We have to let our daughters, granddaughters, nieces and friends know that self-confidence is a choice that ultimately affects our education, careers and our relationships. It starts with our encouraging messages to our children that beauty is inside their hearts and much more than skin deep.
Encourage, Inspire and Empower!
Established in 2010, Pretty Brown Girl's mission is to empower girls to love themselves and encourage cultural awareness and The Pretty Brown Girl brand encourages girls everywhere that love to have fun, learn, play, laugh and are happy in their own skin. The Pretty Brown Girl brand focuses on building high self-esteem with an emphasis on health and academics through the offering of the Pretty Brown Girl events, workshops and product line which includes books, apparel and accessories all branded with the Pretty Brown Girl logo. A donation of 5% of all Pretty Brown Girl online purchases is made to Keep A Child Alive. Songstress and Philanthropist Alicia Keys is the co-founder and Global Ambassador of Keep a Child Alive, a non-profit organization that provides medicine to families with HIV and AIDS in Africa
The Pretty Brown Girl pledge and products can be found at
Abundant Blessings,
For any press/media inquires please email
I give the Crawley family a standing ovation! Their mission is by far one of the most positive and best I've come across and they have already gotten so much accomplished in the short time they have been established and have tons in store for the future! KUDOS to being such an empowering and inspiring family! I cant wait to join in on the fun!
While browsing their amazing website i noticed they sell PBG apparel and accessories too, everything from bracelets to clothes and tutus to even umbrellas! I fell in love with everything but had to hurry and get Diva R a girls shirt and no better of a time to do so than when i did because it was also on sale for $14.95 plus shipping. Either way it is worth every penny. It was so hard to decide on what to get so we opted for the pink Pretty Brown Girl shirt in size XS 4/5.
(This isn't the actual pic i took)
It seemed like it took no time at all for our shirt to arrive and Diva R was surely excited and couldn't wait to wear it! I unwrapped the package and knew this was an amazing buy right away!
Our Review
Color: Pink
Texture/Material: Cotton and soft
Size: XS 4/5
Cost: $14.95 plus shipping (Sale price)
Original price is $19.99
Here is my Diva modeling her LOVED PBG shirt! She was so intrigued by the saying/logo and is really proud that she has a shirt that identifies her to a T. She is really big about having things that look like or resemble her and this is a definite plus in her book! She loves her pretty brown skin and her pretty brown curls and now that she has a shirt to proudly boast this she is in heaven <3

She has worn this several times since we got it and it is on her top request list for clothing choice! We may have to get a few more in different colors and sizes as well as maybe a long sleeve in the future?? I LOVE the Pretty Brown Girl Movement it is about time our blessed beauties get spotlight and have such an amazing movement to be a part of for them specifically! Usually its the other way around and our beautiful brown girls are the singled out ones or the only ones of color in certain settings and that is NOT ACCEPTABLE. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts to the Crawley family for creating such an amazing family oriented place for our beauties to feel how they should feel with all glory possible! GOD IS GREAT! May God bless the Crawley family in all their ventures and for the future to come <3
Diva R's Mommy-Kim
DIY Aloe GEL (My first attempt at DIY product making)
This post is WAY over due, it kind of slipped my mind! So after viewing tons of You Tube tutorials on how to make products myself i decided that i was really looking for a better hold product. I have always wanted to venture out into an Aloe mixture since this and Flax seed are two of the most popular self made mixtures. I came across this one video (begins at 30 sec) that seemed to be one of the easier ways of making your own Aloe gel from a pure Aloe leaf. So this is the video that i copied my idea from.
I could not find a leaf that was half as fresh as i would have liked and its probably because where we live is more cold than anything else, so there isn't really a great time or place to get these from where they will be perfect. While i was at Meijer i picked this leaf up for about $2.00.
I gathered...
*The Aloe leaf
*Cutting board
*Paring knife
*Paper towel
*(and SHOULD have gathered gloves but learned the hard way)
I wondered at this point if there was an easier way to do this because this got really messy! REALLY MESSY and sticky. So i began shaving the top layer of the leaf off going away from me and noticed this was way harder than what it seemed and the layer didn't want to detach form the gel very well :( This led me to search for a solution to this problem and sure enough i found an amazing solution that makes this heck of alot easier and less messy! Click here to see how this lady prepares her Aloe leaf for cutting and how smoothly the gel is released if you cant see the video below (it begins at 50 sec).
There is no sound and the quality isn't the best but its clear the technique she uses is amazing and really helps to soften the stubborn leaf layers. If you do not do it this way your Aloe gel may end up being grainy or stringy. So of course i did this search after i was already hacking away at the leaf so i just kept on doing what i was doing because for some odd reason i didn't own a rolling pin at this time nor did i have any type of substitute! Weird huh? So you can see below the result of using a paring knife as i peeled away at the top layer.
I could not find a leaf that was half as fresh as i would have liked and its probably because where we live is more cold than anything else, so there isn't really a great time or place to get these from where they will be perfect. While i was at Meijer i picked this leaf up for about $2.00.
I gathered...
*The Aloe leaf
*Cutting board
*Paring knife
*Paper towel
*(and SHOULD have gathered gloves but learned the hard way)
The above pictured leaf is before i altered it and it is in its whole and standard form just rinsed and dried. As you can tell there are pointy sharper edges on the outer parts of the leaf and these will cut you if your not careful! These are on the leaf as personal defense mechanism's against outer predators. So of course the edges and the dark colored tip were the first parts that i cut off. It is a must that you CUT these off clean, you will see when you do that that there is a thick inner gel layer which is what you will be extracting and it will begin to get all over your hands if your not wearing gloves as well!
Below is the leaf with the tip and sides cut off i did end up cutting the bottom off too about 2 inches worth as this area just oozes with the aloe gel and you must be ready to catch the gel as your cutting or at least cut over the cutting board so the gel is salvaged.
I wondered at this point if there was an easier way to do this because this got really messy! REALLY MESSY and sticky. So i began shaving the top layer of the leaf off going away from me and noticed this was way harder than what it seemed and the layer didn't want to detach form the gel very well :( This led me to search for a solution to this problem and sure enough i found an amazing solution that makes this heck of alot easier and less messy! Click here to see how this lady prepares her Aloe leaf for cutting and how smoothly the gel is released if you cant see the video below (it begins at 50 sec).
There is no sound and the quality isn't the best but its clear the technique she uses is amazing and really helps to soften the stubborn leaf layers. If you do not do it this way your Aloe gel may end up being grainy or stringy. So of course i did this search after i was already hacking away at the leaf so i just kept on doing what i was doing because for some odd reason i didn't own a rolling pin at this time nor did i have any type of substitute! Weird huh? So you can see below the result of using a paring knife as i peeled away at the top layer.
If you look closely you can see the thick gel present and as i bent the leaf back the gel was just oozing from the top to the bottom. The smell of this was quite alarming at first possibly because Ive never smelled pure aloe before that wasn't processed. I quickly became used to it though. Here is my proof that if you use a rolling pin the layers will basically just peel easily... See above how there is better than a half inch worth of thick Aloe gel on the leaf, this layer seriously wouldn't come off well and maybe if i used a bigger sharper knife the process would have been more smooth. These are tid bits so YOU will have a more successful experience if you try this.
Here is the finished product and this picture gives you a good idea of how the gels texture is from the pure leaf extraction and about how much you can get from one leaf. Now if you will look at the leaf in the photo below you will see that there is still tons of gel left on the leaf that i didn't get to extracting yet so i had to upgrade my container to a oval/rectangular shape Tupperware and it held it all nicely with room to spare.
So because of this gel being extracted form a pure leaf it was a must for me to mix the gel with either a hand mixer or whip it with a whisk to soften up the gel chunks because i didn't plan on mixing this with any oils or anything else i wanted to see how this worked as just aloe by itself, so i opted for the whisk mixing and it did a good job it nearly pureed it to the perfect texture which doesn't look much different than the above picture but it sure felt creamier such as a regular thick gel feels.
I was pleased with the overall results and overall this whole experiment took about 20 minutes. Not bad for a newbie! I ended up mixing some of this into our Cocoa Curlzshea butter for a more completed feel. It was nice and had great hold in her hair i was just concerned about the shelf life and possible build up since there were no preservatives of any kind involved.
Next time around i will be using the rolling pin, incorporating gloves, finding a better aloe leaf, using a better knife and mixing in some natural oils and maybe a hint of shea butter :)
In case anyone is wondering, the Aloe gel lasted in its pure state REFRIGERATED for about 2 weeks and it started turning pink which indicated it was time to throw out. The Aloe gel MUST be refrigerated or it will spoil in no time.
Next will be Flax Seed gel creating <3
Diva R's Mommy-Kim
Sunday, October 23, 2011
JessiCurl Weekly Deep Conditioning Treatment
As we had the pleasure to attend Naturally Flyy Detroit's Anniversary Meet Up a few months back we had received a goodie bag with lots of freebies and this sample was one included! I have heard of Jessicurl time and time again just never ventured into trying any of their products so when i seen this and another Jessicurl sample was included i was stoked!

(Note the thickness of this conditioner)
Here is what it looked like as it was being applied to Diva R's hair while she was in the bath. I did shampoo her hair prior too and rinsed thoroughly then i wet her hair very well to ensure that her hair was drenched before applying this.
See how thick it is.. I had to work at it to get it in which provided a great thick coverage throughout that i could see until it absorbed. Below you can see her hair after one cup of water was ran through her hair, some conditioner is still at the top of her hair. This could be a very good sign is what I'm thinking at this point...
I left it in for 15 minutes (not knowing the specific time directions until i looked the information up there after). I don't feel leaving things in beyond this time frame is any different on her hair regardless of the product.The sample didn't have nearly any descriptive information on it, which i would have preferred.
The picture below on the left is of Diva R's freshly conditioned hair and this was taken right when she got dressed. See how elongated her curls look? Now glance at the picture below on the right and note how her curls have shrunk just that quick in the matter of a minute.
The picture below on the left is of Diva R's freshly conditioned hair and this was taken right when she got dressed. See how elongated her curls look? Now glance at the picture below on the right and note how her curls have shrunk just that quick in the matter of a minute.
(Here is the description from their website)
Intense pampering for dry hair
Product Story
It seems that every time I meet a Jessicurl customer, the most common thing they say to me is “I LOVE your Deep Conditioner!” They say it with a sincerity usually reserved for, oh, I don’t know, favorite ice cream flavors or designer shoes. I can tell how much they really mean it. And why shouldn’t they? It is INSANE how moisturizing this conditioner is. It used to be called “Weekly Deep Conditioning Treatment” but then I heard from more and more curlies that they were using it every day, and some were even using it as a leave in. Who am I to limit how much you use your favorite conditioner, right? Thus, I dropped “Weekly” and just left it at Deep Conditioning Treatment. It’s thick, it’s rich, it’s moisturizing, it doesn’t build up – it really is the ideal formula for restoring moisture to dry curly hair. It also works great as a shaving cream – that even includes bald men! :)
This comes in three scents: No fragrance, Citrus Lavender, and Island fantasy.
This also comes in a few more sizes being a 2oz or a gallon size!...
Water (Aqua) infused with Equisetum Maximum Lam (Horsetail), Mentha Piperita (Peppermint), Rosmarinus Officinalis (Rosemary), Laurus Nobilis (Bay Leaf), Ocimum Basilicum (Basil), Arctium Lappa (Burdock Root), Althaea Officinalis (Marshmallow Root), Origanum Vulgare (Oregano), Cymbopogon Flexuosus (Lemongrass), Thymus Vulgaris (Thyme), Salvia Officinalis (Sage) and Urtica Dioica (Nettle); Behentrimonium Methosulfate (and) Cetearyl Alcohol, Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Juice, Butyrospermum Parkii (Shea Butter), Persea Gratissima (Avocado) Oil, Theobroma Cacao (Cocoa) Seed Butter, Soy Lecithin, Diazolidinyl Urea (and) Iodopropynyl Butylcarbamate Instructions
Apply to clean, wet hair, comb through and let it settle in for 30-60 minutes. For even more intense conditioning, use with heat, such as the Hair Therapy Wrap. Rinse and style as usual. This can be used daily or as a leave-in conditioner for thicker, drier curl types.
Our Review
Color: Like a beige/white
Scent: Resembles a cabinet spice mixture or an herbal mix
Texture/Consistency: Thick and creamy like butter though not slippery
Cost: $16.95 per 8 oz
So the first thing i noticed was the incredible thickness, this has to be one of the thickest products we have used. The color was different than what we have normally tried but as with all products color varies. The scent was nice and different, i personally like herbal scents and infusions. I will say that as i was applying this i didn't know what to expect and it became apparent that it was super thick and this lead me to believe that it make take several cups of water to ensure that it is rinsed out completely as i chose to use this as a rinse out conditioning treatment. This proved to be true. So far i was impressed. So after Diva R got out of the bath i squeeze dried her hair with my CLEAN hands to drain the excess water then i ran my fingers through her hair to see the level of tangles present and also to observe the resulting elements.
So immediately i found that her curls were nice and elongated! My fingers just slid through her hair with maximum ease, not a tangle in sight and her hair smelled so lightly and nice like a fresh fusion of herbal/organic bits of heaven. I LOVED the scent for sure then!
The pictures of her curls afterwards are also pre-moisturizer and as you can tell her curls were elongated but not for long. Her curls began to shrink right away BUT i wasn't displeased because her hair was evidently full of healthy condition and it also retained a great amount of moisture even after being rinsed. The texture of her hair afterwards was very soft and her curls had a nice spring to them. YAY was my thought. Overall i was pleased with this deep conditioner so i decided to pull up Jessicurls site and check it out a bit more and i was intrigued and curious about a few other products that i had seen. One thing that shocked me was the price but its not too far off from most other products out there. I noticed that Jessi Curl isn't sold locally either. The ingredients weren't completely pleasing but hey what can i say it was a free sample and not all that bad to try anyways, Ive seen tons that are terrible and i wouldn't say this product is close to terrible. The sample pack that i received was only 1 application so this review is off of one application. If i had more i would probably keep it around and make use of it <3
Diva R's Mommy-Kim
So the first thing i noticed was the incredible thickness, this has to be one of the thickest products we have used. The color was different than what we have normally tried but as with all products color varies. The scent was nice and different, i personally like herbal scents and infusions. I will say that as i was applying this i didn't know what to expect and it became apparent that it was super thick and this lead me to believe that it make take several cups of water to ensure that it is rinsed out completely as i chose to use this as a rinse out conditioning treatment. This proved to be true. So far i was impressed. So after Diva R got out of the bath i squeeze dried her hair with my CLEAN hands to drain the excess water then i ran my fingers through her hair to see the level of tangles present and also to observe the resulting elements.
So immediately i found that her curls were nice and elongated! My fingers just slid through her hair with maximum ease, not a tangle in sight and her hair smelled so lightly and nice like a fresh fusion of herbal/organic bits of heaven. I LOVED the scent for sure then!
The pictures of her curls afterwards are also pre-moisturizer and as you can tell her curls were elongated but not for long. Her curls began to shrink right away BUT i wasn't displeased because her hair was evidently full of healthy condition and it also retained a great amount of moisture even after being rinsed. The texture of her hair afterwards was very soft and her curls had a nice spring to them. YAY was my thought. Overall i was pleased with this deep conditioner so i decided to pull up Jessicurls site and check it out a bit more and i was intrigued and curious about a few other products that i had seen. One thing that shocked me was the price but its not too far off from most other products out there. I noticed that Jessi Curl isn't sold locally either. The ingredients weren't completely pleasing but hey what can i say it was a free sample and not all that bad to try anyways, Ive seen tons that are terrible and i wouldn't say this product is close to terrible. The sample pack that i received was only 1 application so this review is off of one application. If i had more i would probably keep it around and make use of it <3
Diva R's Mommy-Kim
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Naturally Flyy Detroit is at it AGAIN!!
The Dynamic Sister Duo is at it again! Etta and Jen have yet another meet up in store for all you Michiganders and beyond! This time around there is something NEW and exciting planned that is a must see event!
Here is a little run down of the event details gathered from Naturally Flyys Event FB Page......
If you for some strange reason do not know about Naturally Flyy and their mission please check this You Tube link and view some of the past videos from the meet ups! You sure don't want to miss out on this! This event is for people from EVERYWHERE, from every walk of life whether you have hair or are rocking your beautiful baldness, have children, are a man or woman, are a stylist or just plain interested!
Diva R's Mommy-Kim
Here is a little run down of the event details gathered from Naturally Flyys Event FB Page......
Saturday, October 22 · 3:00pm - 7:00pm | |
Location | The Artist Village Detroit (Across from Sweet Potato Sensations) 17340 Lahser Rd. Detroit, MI |
Created By | |
For | Naturally FLYY Detroit |
More Info | Calling all kinky, curly, twisted, coiled, nappy, fro'd, loc'd, bald or transitioning sistas to....... ***Naturally FLYY Detroit Presents Faces, Fro's & Funk Part II Natural Hair Meet-Up*** Need advice or wondering how to rock your natural hair in different settings?? Come check out our mini FALL FASHION FEVER hair & fashion show!! Come ready to join us in our OPEN DISCUSSION!! All the topics you've been wanting to discuss or questions you've been dying to ask, LET'S TALK ABOUT IT!!! -PRODUCT & ACCESSORY SWAP!!! Bring gently used products & hair accessories that you don't like and swap it out for something else that you might want to try. As always come ready to shop our vendors, featuring funky, handmade jewelry, accessories, t-shirts, hair and body products. Cost: only $5 If you have any questions please contact Ettaflyy Espy or Jennifer Thomas. |
If you for some strange reason do not know about Naturally Flyy and their mission please check this You Tube link and view some of the past videos from the meet ups! You sure don't want to miss out on this! This event is for people from EVERYWHERE, from every walk of life whether you have hair or are rocking your beautiful baldness, have children, are a man or woman, are a stylist or just plain interested!
Diva R's Mommy-Kim
Bee Mine BEE-U-TIFUL Deep Hair Conditioner
Color: White
Texture/Consistency: Like a creamy medium-lightweight conditioner
Scent: Reminds me of the Curly Butter, kind of hard to pin point
Cost: $28.97 per 16oz tub
(Here is the description from their website)
Product Description
We are pleased to announce the release of our BEE•U•Ti•FUL Moisturizing Deep Conditioner; our first protein-free deep conditioner that helps to detangle your hair and provide excellent manageability. This deep conditioner is made with creamy and emollient Cupuacu butter, to promote smooth and soft hair while boosting the rebirth of the hair's natural moisture and elasticity. Highly beneficial for dry and damaged hair. BEE•U•Ti•FUL also provides some protection from damaging UV-A and UV-B rays and helps to restore shine and moisture to stressed hair.
Directions: After shampooing, gently & evenly massage a generous amount of BEE•U•Ti•FUL into palms and spread evenly from root to ends of hair. Cover hair with a warm towel or plastic cap for 10 minutes. Rinse thoroughly with water and style as desired.
Ingredients: Distilled water, Cetearyl Alcohol, BTMS (mild emulsifier), 100% Unrefined Shea Butter , 100% Organic Coconut Oil, Cupuacu Butter, Calendula Extract, Chamomile Extract, Organic Raw Honey, Paraben Free Preservative, Fragrance (Phthalate Free).
With this and any other of our products please do a patch test prior to full use.
Currently comes in Coconut Cream Scent***
Silicone - Free / SLS - Free / Paraben - Free / Protein Free
Our Review
The first thing aside from the color i noticed was the scent. Since i have had tons of Bee Mine products i could instantly compare this to the Curly Butter in the unscented fragrance. The texture is identical as well. I was expecting something quite different but this turned out to be interesting. The cost of this is steep for sure plus the shipping (eek!), so i thought i had better use this wisely. The texture is of a creamy light-medium consistency and it is the finger scoopable type of product. I must begin by noting this is NOT a leave in conditioner, one must rinse it out.
I began trying this on myself because until Diva R had got her allergy testing i didn't want to experiment with this on her. We have two completely different hair types all around and our hair needs are completely different as well. I figured being in the shower would be the best approach for using this so i shampooed my hair first and rinsed it completely out then i followed the directions to a T and used a shower cap to lock in the conditioner after i applied it, then i let it sit for 10 minutes. After the 10 minutes was up i pulled the cap off and ran my fingers through my hair evaluating the before and after feel as well as comparing how my hair felt while the conditioner has been in for 10 minutes versus my hair after any other type of conditioner Ive used. What i concluded was that my hair has NEVER felt like this after any un-natural hair conditioner like Herbal Essences and beyond that i have tried. This was a GREAT feeling! My hair felt like silkened moisturized blankets! Just unbelievably soft and tangle free! I couldn't even tell my hair has been colored to death. I couldn't wait to experiment with this in many other ways!
So i have used and experimented with this on my hair for several months of consistent weekly use and i have let it air dry as well as blow dried it afterwards seeking any differences between. I must say that letting my hair air dry after rinsing the conditioner out left my hair like strands of silk and this lasted forever it seemed even through a few more shampoos there after. I LOVED these results! So then i decided to play around with my sleek and straight look so i blow dried my hair after rinsing the conditioner out and to my surprise my hair was exactly the same silky texture even after using heat! usually my hair gets all wacky and wavy if i apply heat so this was shocking because i didn't even have to use my straightener! This is a bonus and will be a staple especially if i am going to straighten my hair (which is a once in a blue moon thing that i hide an do) or do when the Diva isn't around.
There wasn't anything i didn't like about this product aside from the cost! But i do feel it is very worth it and it has lasted us several months already and counting.
Now on to Diva R's results...
I didn't think to take any pictures during these months of experimenting as it is much easier to see the resulting texture in person than from a camera. So Diva R had got her allergy testing for food allergies and this we have been waiting for, for so long it seems, and the results were not what we wanted to hear :( It turns out that Diva R is allergic to EVERY type of nut and tree nut known to existence :'( Not just minorly either... This also incorporates her allergies to trees and other foods as well. SO the good news out of all this was that she isn't allergic to Shea butter nor cupuacu butter YAY so it was safe to try this product on her because the Dr said if a person has any allergy to anything specifically and these ingredients are found in hair/body products DO NOT use them at all as any form of ingestion or inhalation can trigger an attack.
Not a conditioner we have ever tried has done this yet. So i finger combed her hair while it was still in and noted the amazing soft feel to her hair, then i rinsed it out thoroughly and her curls were still nice and elongated with the softest bounce imaginable. I always let her hair air dry and keep all towels away. I monitored her results as it air dried and noticed that her hair had gotten a nice soft fluff to it and her curls were very defined as well as still somewhat elongated. I also used this on Diva R for months on end weekly and the results have stayed the same and from beginning to current times of usage i have also noticed that her hair has remained softer and her ringlets have stayed more defined. I really like the fact that this is a deep conditioning rinse out, i don't see much of these that actually stick around in the hair lightly and nicely. I have branched out to trying this as a quick rinse conditioner to see where it stands and her curls were just as in love as the full 10 minutes!
I haven't found a Bee Mine Product that doesn't work for Diva R yet <3
Diva R's Mommy-Kim
I began trying this on myself because until Diva R had got her allergy testing i didn't want to experiment with this on her. We have two completely different hair types all around and our hair needs are completely different as well. I figured being in the shower would be the best approach for using this so i shampooed my hair first and rinsed it completely out then i followed the directions to a T and used a shower cap to lock in the conditioner after i applied it, then i let it sit for 10 minutes. After the 10 minutes was up i pulled the cap off and ran my fingers through my hair evaluating the before and after feel as well as comparing how my hair felt while the conditioner has been in for 10 minutes versus my hair after any other type of conditioner Ive used. What i concluded was that my hair has NEVER felt like this after any un-natural hair conditioner like Herbal Essences and beyond that i have tried. This was a GREAT feeling! My hair felt like silkened moisturized blankets! Just unbelievably soft and tangle free! I couldn't even tell my hair has been colored to death. I couldn't wait to experiment with this in many other ways!
So i have used and experimented with this on my hair for several months of consistent weekly use and i have let it air dry as well as blow dried it afterwards seeking any differences between. I must say that letting my hair air dry after rinsing the conditioner out left my hair like strands of silk and this lasted forever it seemed even through a few more shampoos there after. I LOVED these results! So then i decided to play around with my sleek and straight look so i blow dried my hair after rinsing the conditioner out and to my surprise my hair was exactly the same silky texture even after using heat! usually my hair gets all wacky and wavy if i apply heat so this was shocking because i didn't even have to use my straightener! This is a bonus and will be a staple especially if i am going to straighten my hair (which is a once in a blue moon thing that i hide an do) or do when the Diva isn't around.
There wasn't anything i didn't like about this product aside from the cost! But i do feel it is very worth it and it has lasted us several months already and counting.
Now on to Diva R's results...
I didn't think to take any pictures during these months of experimenting as it is much easier to see the resulting texture in person than from a camera. So Diva R had got her allergy testing for food allergies and this we have been waiting for, for so long it seems, and the results were not what we wanted to hear :( It turns out that Diva R is allergic to EVERY type of nut and tree nut known to existence :'( Not just minorly either... This also incorporates her allergies to trees and other foods as well. SO the good news out of all this was that she isn't allergic to Shea butter nor cupuacu butter YAY so it was safe to try this product on her because the Dr said if a person has any allergy to anything specifically and these ingredients are found in hair/body products DO NOT use them at all as any form of ingestion or inhalation can trigger an attack.
Not a conditioner we have ever tried has done this yet. So i finger combed her hair while it was still in and noted the amazing soft feel to her hair, then i rinsed it out thoroughly and her curls were still nice and elongated with the softest bounce imaginable. I always let her hair air dry and keep all towels away. I monitored her results as it air dried and noticed that her hair had gotten a nice soft fluff to it and her curls were very defined as well as still somewhat elongated. I also used this on Diva R for months on end weekly and the results have stayed the same and from beginning to current times of usage i have also noticed that her hair has remained softer and her ringlets have stayed more defined. I really like the fact that this is a deep conditioning rinse out, i don't see much of these that actually stick around in the hair lightly and nicely. I have branched out to trying this as a quick rinse conditioner to see where it stands and her curls were just as in love as the full 10 minutes!
I haven't found a Bee Mine Product that doesn't work for Diva R yet <3
Diva R's Mommy-Kim
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