Monday, June 6, 2011

Final Yarn Braid Switch Up Plus Braid Out and Style

 Here is the last switch up style with the yarn braids that we did. Just a simple accessory change can make a big difference and this is the easy mode of switching a style possible :)

 Like our cutesy butterfly clips :) They are a new addition to our collection. I got them locally. They are as summery as ever and just the perfect size for bigger size braids. The pictures above were taken at the 6 days of being in mark. Still looking pretty good but they were starting to get loose.

OK OK So as you know after Yarn Braids we ALWAYS do Braid Outs :) Braid Outs do not last but a day for us, so we enjoy them while they last. Before i began taking down the braids i spritzed her hair with a little distilled water, then i began cutting the double tied ends CAREFULLY!

Here is what it looked like as i was taking them out.

Kinda funky and rag doll looking :) But as you can see the crimp is just gorgeous! I had spritzed the Bee Mine Juicy Spritz on her hair lightly as i was un-braiding. It is important to un-braid very lightly especially with yarn because it can be damaging if your rough.

It took about 25 min to take her hair down, the longest part is always cutting the tied ends because of the precision it takes.

I am also very careful when i do the braid out part of the style because if you un-braid quick and sloppily the braid out will come out poorly and you will have some twisted up half defined/half crazy looking and no definition of the resulting braid out. In other words it ill look like you just brushed your dry hair with the tangle teezer! EEK

So any who here is the resulting Braid Out from these yarn braids that Diva R kept in for 6 solid days!

(Diva R is SO SERIOUS into her programs LOL)

Here is the back view of the BO..

I will say that this turned out cute for sure, the picture doesn't do it justice! If the braids would have been smaller we would have achieved more of a kinky perfect crimp which we LOVE too :) That's why i like doing Braid Outs because the versatile-ness comes out every time because there are no two BO's alike!

Here is what we did on yesterdays super hot day for a cousins birthday party Diva R went to :)

Quick and cute loose side pony tail, as you can see the Braid Out wasn't surviving the heat to well :0 Still was cute and wavy on the top!

Diva R's Mommy-Kim

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