Hi! My name is Natalie, I’m the owner & creator of Cocoa Curlz. I have two curly cuties! My daughter, Princess B is 4 yrs old and my son Prince Cai is 2 yrs old. My children are ½ African American, ¼ Native American, and ¼ French/Scottish.
Princess B’s hair type is soft, medium thickness, becomes dry/frizzes quickly, and a mixture of 3A/3B (Troy Polamalu would be the perfect example!). Prince Cai’s hair is very thick, doesn’t frizz but gets a little dry, and is showing a mixture of 2A/2B/2C when wet. We’re in the process of growing his out!
I began styling my daughter’s hair when she was 2, that’s when it became much more curly. Thank God for my big sister, Ty for help! I would also Google for other ideas and tips. Daddy even helps sometimes!
Our hair care routine is very simple. I deep condition twice a month, shampoo once a week, and co-wash in between shampoos when necessary, and apply hair milk every morning. I moved from NJ to northern Ontario, Canada late last year and I live in an area where there is only one place available for AA hair care products, which is almost an hour’s drive away. I decided to make my own natural product line to have something available for others in my community that would be chemical-free.
My biggest pet peeves about hair care are people who have the ‘good/bad hair’ mentality, having hair on your head is plenty good. Seeing little girls with relaxed hair. Like other sensitive subjects, I believe that should be decided by the child & not the parent. You can cause serious damage and burns to the child’s scalp/skin, not to mention blindness if it’s not done properly.
We’ve never had to deal with criticism from others, my daughter has always received compliments from others about her beautiful curls. She absolutely loves her hair and the time we spend together styling. It’s our mommy/daughter time! We pick out a movie with snacks and just enjoy the quiet time.
The products I would recommend to other hair-moms would be anything without SLS, Parabens, & Mineral Oil for the most part. Read the labels and educate yourself as much as you can, options are endless. Cocoa Curlz works very well on my children, but may not work well for another person. Avoid using heated stylers (straighteners, blow dryers, etc.) as much as possible.

Thank you Natalie! For contributing to our annual Hair Show it was a pleasure getting to know you and your dear little ones <3 I must say that both of your children's hair when they were younger was EXACTLY how my Diva R's hair was and it turned out to be exactly how your daughters too! Her hair went through similar transitions and was just as straight as a board and jet black in color when she was born and it has since then transformed into being a reddish brown color with a big mixture of type 2 textures with a smidge of type 3. I bet you never thought their hair would ever curl when they were babies! that's what i thought and was shocked to start seeing crazy all over the place curls appear as Diva R was growing! Diva B and Sir M are just gorgeous! I LOVE how you embrace their cultures and natural hair to the fullest! It is so wonderful to meet fellow mommies who feel that these area's are of utmost importance and that they should be treated as such.
I just love the adorable pic of Sir M with the red shirt and dab of drool! I could just squeeze his little cheeks. Such a cutie and he favors his sister too! Diva B is also gorgeous and her styles are always so cute and girly!
Please check out Natalie's website and online shop Cocoa Curlz and all that she has to offer from her special formulation of Natural Hair Care Products! (Currently she is only shipping throughout Canada but that may change in the future!). While on that thought feel free to "Like" her FB page.
Diva R's Mommy-Kim

Thank you Natalie! For contributing to our annual Hair Show it was a pleasure getting to know you and your dear little ones <3 I must say that both of your children's hair when they were younger was EXACTLY how my Diva R's hair was and it turned out to be exactly how your daughters too! Her hair went through similar transitions and was just as straight as a board and jet black in color when she was born and it has since then transformed into being a reddish brown color with a big mixture of type 2 textures with a smidge of type 3. I bet you never thought their hair would ever curl when they were babies! that's what i thought and was shocked to start seeing crazy all over the place curls appear as Diva R was growing! Diva B and Sir M are just gorgeous! I LOVE how you embrace their cultures and natural hair to the fullest! It is so wonderful to meet fellow mommies who feel that these area's are of utmost importance and that they should be treated as such.
I just love the adorable pic of Sir M with the red shirt and dab of drool! I could just squeeze his little cheeks. Such a cutie and he favors his sister too! Diva B is also gorgeous and her styles are always so cute and girly!
Please check out Natalie's website and online shop Cocoa Curlz and all that she has to offer from her special formulation of Natural Hair Care Products! (Currently she is only shipping throughout Canada but that may change in the future!). While on that thought feel free to "Like" her FB page.
Diva R's Mommy-Kim