
Sunday, October 30, 2011

Easter Hairstyle Diva R's Bday Yarn Extensions Re-Styled

This was supposed to be shared back around Easter time! BUT i had just stumbled upon these photos that were on another camera that i some how passed up! So better late than ever...

For Diva R's 4th Birthday i added some funk to her hair with baby blue and white yarn extensions... To reflect on her Bday style click here.

What i used and how i did it is in the above linked post so i will just show what i did to re-style and add a few matching accessories to match with her Easter dress.

 I just simply braided one big braid out of all of the bottom section cornrows and secured it in placed with one of our new bright pink butter fly hair ballies. Then with the sideways cornrows i adorned them with a bow a friend of mine made for Diva R, it matched her dress perfectly and it wasn't even planned!

 Then i braided one big braid from the side remaining cornrows and secured it with a hot pink butterfly ballie.

This was a super quick re-style and it took all of less than 3 minutes.

God Bless.

Diva R's Mommy-Kim

1 comment:

  1. your yarn extensions are awesome!! i tried these on my daughter and can never get them to look right. I will keep practicing AND reading your blog for tips and tricks :o)


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God Bless,
Kim and Diva R