We would like to showcase YOU in our weekly Hair Show. This is open to both children and adults (you don't have to have curlee hair to be in our showcase, your post doesn't even have to be hair related.) There are no specific requirements needing to be met to participate besides the following...
1. If you would like to feature your Hair Diva, Prince, or self on our Hair Show feel free to send me an email with the following...
* You must submit an email to loveyourgirlsbiracialcurls@yahoo.com including some of the following or anything additional you would like to add/share...
* A brief bio including age (age not necessary for adults :)), hair type/texture, and ethnicity ( to better help our readers)
* How and when you got started styling hair
* Hair care routine
* Likes/dislikes regarding hair/products/accessories
* Favorite family activities/hobbies/interests*
* Do you have any pet peeves regarding hair/skin care?
* Have you ever deal with hair criticism? If so please share your experience and if there was any good outcome...
* How do you get your little one to tolerate hair time?
* Name any item you would recommend to someone who may be beginning their hair care journey...
* Please include a min of 1 picture but no more than 8 pictures (face shots not required)
OR Feel free to create your own feature post if you wish and i will show case all of what you formulate! You could write an article, create an informative post, share a review, share styles, etc...:)
If you would like to be interviewed instead of answering the above questions or creating your own, i will send you a list of interview questions upon receiving your SPOTLIGHT titled email inquiring :)
2. We also have a Curly Conversation Corner which is a spotlight that is for our readers to submit topic discussions, stories, HELP ME'S!, guest information posts (these could include researches/studies done in the hair care realm, articles, hair care tips, or anything pertinent to families or misc that you found, created or came upon but please do submit credit to the author/founder also if you are not the creator.
Submit These to Loveyourgirlsbiracialcurls@yahoo.com AND title your email CCC or SPOTLIGHT.
Feel free to inquire about our Hair Show Case, we would love to pass the mic onto our cherished fam members.
Diva R's Mommy- Kim
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We appreciate feed back, comments, suggestions and the like:) Please keep in mind this is a children's blog. All comments are moderated before approval.
God Bless,
Kim and Diva R