This style began with pig tails and i moved back as i went... I parted the middle section first and clipped them off individually. Then i moved left to right in each box (cornrow, box braid, box braid, cornrow) Then i finished them off with 2 inch Sidewinders. Then i moved on to the bottom row where i split the section straight down the middle and created some lower pig tails to coinside with the top frontal ones. I rubber banded those off with the top two middle box braids forming an X into them and braided the remaining free hair into two single braids and finally some Sidewinders.
I had decided to leave the frontal hair free from the pig tails for some variation.
I used Distilled water in our spritz bottle followed by Blended Beauty Soft Curls Moisturizer for a moderate moisturizer throughout as i planned on leaving this style in for a few days, and Kinky Curly Knot Today for hold as needed.
On the third day i touched her style up with a few alterations... I decided to braid the free hair into two big braids from each pig tail adding individual Sidewinders part way up the braids. I also parted off two front sections and cornrowed them, adding Sidewinders at each end.
I pretty much left the rest as previously styled but i just re-did the (then fuzzy) cornrows and box braids
I try to use the same color scheme for a few days when using accessories so i dont have to manipulate much...
This style took about 40 minutes in total to do and lasted about 5 days with minimal touching up/frizz.
Happy Styling :)
Diva R's Mommy-Kim
That is really cute! I like.