
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

We Would Like To Welcome Our Newest Sponsor!!! Susie from Hair Holders!!

Welcome aboard Susie from Hair Holders. We are so blessed and thankful to announce and welcome our newest blog sponsor!!!! It has been a pleasure buying, receiving and reviewing our many packages of Sidewinder Hair Holders. These have become a ever lasting huge hit in our household and they are fun to put in and Diva R loves the uniqueness to them. 

Susie has an amazing company and there is nothing better than being a part of a safer way to accessorizing our little ones hair with :)

We have tons of Sidewinders in many different colors and we cant wait to create more styles with these amazing little corkscrews! Diva R LOVES these better than beads and i must say I'm partial as well!

Here is our newest package of Sidewinders...

Welcome Welcome! It is a blessing to have partnered with you Susie!

Diva R's Mommy-Kim


  1. Bunny LOVES her sidewinders! I've worked with Ms. Susie and I love how polite and nice she is! Great product, great service!

  2. I really would love to see how these work in Des' hair.

  3. I agree Dominique-Alexis!! She is very nice and is a GREAT partner and a very well seasoned business owner! Im pleased with her out standing customer service and fast shipping.

    @Michelle! You will probably win a Sidewinder giveaway with your amazing luck :) Id love to see Des's hair Sidewinder-ed! She is always rocking a gorgeous style and rockin accessories!


We appreciate feed back, comments, suggestions and the like:) Please keep in mind this is a children's blog. All comments are moderated before approval.

God Bless,
Kim and Diva R