
Monday, August 8, 2011

Flower Child Herbs Calendula Oatmeal Hand & Body Lotion REVIEW

Ever see something as your driving and turn right around deterring from your destination to check it out! .That was the case here! While i was in town for Naturally Flyy i drove by this shop and i turned around and said HA i wonder what this is. (PJ-ism if nothing else o_0) Through all my researching one would think i would know about things happening and new additions of such a great nature in the state that I'm from <3 I seen the sign first.. and google wouldn't load fast enough for me to do a quick search so the next u turn i was bound!.

(Click here to see their website)

I said hmmm i wonder what could be brewing inside... So my thoughts were ok go in here and find a lotion hopefully that will be suitable for the kids.  I noticed before walking in that this shop also hand makes pet care products.. Which was a first for me!  

Upon walking in i was like WHOOOA! Unbelievable! I have never in my life seen a store set up like this! I didn't know what to expect walking in and then the amazing natural aromas hit me! I was seriously in heaven. So upon first glances i realized that this shop had all types of everything for everyone, they even have items catered to people with sensitivities and people with certain preferences!

I was so captivated and wondered how i never knew of this place and its been in place for 3 years... So i began asking questions right away i HAD TONS of questions. I met the owners Mother who was a very sweet and knowledgeable woman. She was extremely ingredient smart and i was surprised that these products didn't even have emulsifiers and such of that "togetherness" nature in them. I read many different bottle just to see what they were working with and not a single ingredient was even half way bad. 

They use ingredients like Grape seed oil as there all natural preservatives. So when you look at some of the bottles you see the oils levitating on top of the cream/product at the bottom. I was puzzled at this because usually i seen this when old products were at hand on shelves but NO not in this shop. She explained to me that this is caused because they don't use any chemicals to "hold" the product in a certain form. The products separate within the bottle as they do indicating that no fillers and nothing beyond natures PURE elements are involved.

I seen everything from REAL Loofahs Filled with and Coated with Soap, Shampoo Bars, Body Bars, Creams, Lotions, Butters, Sticks, Oils, candles, MANY(MANY!) Types of Soaps, Herbal Teas, Salves, and more! I was stressed the importance of the healing properties which the Lavender and Calendula. They had samples and full size products and there were just tons of variations.  I asked if they made children's products and they had a section for children!! I seen some of the aroma therapy packs that Jill the owner and "Organic Garder"created herself and they were in fun kid friendly patterns :)

So i started reading bottles and noted that a main ingredient used in a great majority in their products is Almond oil and this is something that we have to steer from because through Diva's allergy testing and blood testing there after we found out she is definitely allergic to peanut/mixed type nuts severely so we avoid anything with "nut". This is where i asked another set of questions :) I needed to see something that didn't have any nut products or oil in them.  They did have a section for sensitivities! I had my eye set on finding a lotion today so that's what i narrowed it down to. Out of everything i decided to try the...

Calendula Oatmeal Hand and Body Lotion

I was given the history of the Calendula flower and how it is broken down and was intrigued so i figured this has to be nicely moisturizing!! The Olive oil and Calendula looked amazing together.

I bought the sample size.

Product Description

Extra thick and rich with natural anti-itch properties.


Organic Olive Oil infused with organic Calendula officinalis flowers, distilled water, Aloe Vera, beeswax, shea butter, Avena sativa and Vitamin E.

Our Review

Color: Shimmery yellow 
Scent: Flowery herb
Texture/Consistency: Liquidy yet creamy
Cost: Under $6.00 for 1.5oz

I usually use lotions on the kiddies when they are fresh out of the bath or as an in-between bath refresher if their skin needs an extra "drink". Diva R's skin usually needs an extra boost or a generous coat initially because her skin is more prone to dryness. So upon first scent i was kind of un sure about the fragrance but as i put two and two together i initially chose the unscented lotion because i didnt want a huge scent since Diva R is sensitive to some overpowering aromas. I noticed a oatmealish and flowery fragrance slightly present. This lotions texture was kind of more liquidy than what were used to but were always up for new challenges and experiences.

I applied this after the kids got out of the bath (used this for a few weeks consistently after we got it) just as any other lotion. The goal was to acheive nice moisturizing without having to dump the wholebottle in one use. I made sure to apply it generously to Diva R's skin and i noticed right away a shine and the difference from the skin feel that had the lotion applied and the skin which didn't as of yet was very clear! I could feel the moisture setting in and i could visually see the difference. I did have to use about 2 quarter sized amounts for Diva R, as because it is so liquidy i had to evenly spread it. the application wasn't super easy but it wasn't difficult either. I did note a difference when applying this to dry skin versus wet skin. I preferred to apply this only to her wet skin s the results were better and less product had to be used. I am still unsure about the smell i feel as if i should have got a fragranced one... Just to reiterate, this is a HAND and body lotion so by the first word being hand i assume that it is more so made for being a hand lotion. 

As for Little Bro Z he doesn't really have dryer areas on his body so i just applied the lotion as normal and i used just under the amount as i did on Diva R. I like the more smoother application that was presented on Little Bro Z. Id say total i used 1/15th of the bottle on both kids for the first application total. I liked the lotion on his wet skin also, dry skin made it more difficult to spread. This is a sample size also FYI.  I must say that this lotion is very liquidy and because of that it takes a decent amount to cover but it spreads far and it has a visual moisture to it.

If i let it sit upright for a few days the oils will float to the top :) Which is a sign of happiness for me since i know now what that means. There was no shelf life on these either in particular so the products are expected to last a while even though there are no harsh chemicals inside to preserve the life.

I wish i would have grabbed some of the creamier or butter like lotions to try! Those are more up our alley as i am a texture and scent person BUT overall i had a blessed experience and there are so many more products to choose from i don't even know where to start.

I was really interested in the Loofah I cant describe it in words accurately enough to illustrate its realness :) I was super intrigued by that and hope to try it soon! Hopefully i will be able to bring about more of a spotlight on Flower Child Herbs in the near future for Michigan residents and beyond :) Ive got to show massive support to Jill and her product line as being a Michigan native it is important to me to keep the love pouring into my home states local businesses!

God Bless

Diva R's Mommy-Kim

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God Bless,
Kim and Diva R