
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

UPDATE on Bee Mine Growth (No Sulfur) Serum Trial Period

Product Description

Bee Mine No Sulfur Serum & Moisturizer is a Growth Serum as well as a Moisturizer and Sealer. It can be used on your hair & scalp for optimum health and growth for your tresses. Great for hot oil treatments pre-poos sealing your ends and softening new growth. A little goes a long way!

100% Natural and Organic Hair Growth Serum

Ingredients: Organic Coconut oil, organic extra virgin olive oil, essential oils, herbs & fragrance.

Directions: You would use Serum daily or every other day for best results. This is a oil based Serum and a little goes a long way not much is needed oil entire scalp so use sparingly. Make sure you apply to the areas that need it the most. This Serum does not contain sulfur and can be applied to the scalp and hair.

Ok so beginning February 5th 2011 we started using the Bee Mine Growth Serum with No Sulfur on Diva R's hair... This trial run lasted until we found out that Diva R was allergic to Peanuts, and Mixed Trees, i chose by my own discretion to discontinue use of the Serum as i became very cautious of everything touching Diva R.  We used the Serum every other day for a total of 2 months and two weeks. I applied it only to her scalp, as our goal with using this product was root stimulation which promotes hair growth.

My review is as follows...

Scent: Strong and Minty

Color: Yellowish

Consistency: Liquidy/Oil resembling

Diva R has always had super thin hair and it seems to have thinned out as she got older so we have always been in the market for a growth serum that actually helps her hair grow. As everyone should know regardless of serums and other types of products created for growing purposes GENETIC is the key factor in hair growth rates and volumes... This serum was created to STIMULATE hair growth as well as it serves as a moisturizer/sealer. I strongly believe this is a WONDERFUL sealer and excellent if you have damaged ends, color damaged or heat damaged hair especially. I used this Serum on the ends of my badly damaged dry hair and i could see it working before my eyes! The fragrance isn't bad at all in my opinion and the minty element of it is whats responsible for most of the stimulation. 

I would wash and condition Diva R's hair before i put the serum on so that her pores were open and that would allow for better absorption in her scalp.  I would section her hair in 12 sections or more sectioning as i went so that i could ensure optimum spreading of the serum and this is when i realized that this bottle would last FOREVER! A TINY eensy weensy amount goes miles it seems. The applicator tip dispenses the serum in droplet formation so i would use 1-2 drops TOPS for each section or two depending on how big i would make them. I then massaged the serum into her hair with the pads of my fingers as i went and as i was doing this i could see the serum activating and her scalp just drinking it even before i massaged it in :) It was awesome to note because usually with products you see long term results and not necessarily activation right away and consistently. This is impressive! and Diva R liked the minty scent and said that she can feel it tingling through her hair and it as comfortable to her she really liked how neat it felt !  This serum doesn't need to be washed out and in fact it can be left in for days or more at a time and re applied as needed. 

I liked its results best when i put it in after freshly washing and conditioning her hair and leaving it in for 2-3 days with maybe one more touch up application :) It seems that i knew when it was time to reapply for the full effect of the serum when i could barely or not at all smell the minty scent. I experimented with it in so many ways and i was pleased with ALL the ways and results used and received. It was still great when our normal products were used on top of it and along side of it, nothing would diminish the stimulation nor would it be so over powering or unbearable. 

SO does it work??

ABSOLUTELY!!!! hands down this is the only serum that i have found to produce results quickly and consistently. Diva R had great amazing growth results of 3 inches total now using the Bee Mine Product line, and im sure her hair would have kept growing if we were still using the serum.  I seen a solid inch of growth in this time frame!!! I was measuring her hair consistenly to monitor so i could get an exact measure and i was so completely stunned that in just 2 months her hair grew that much and i isolated this product and didnt use it with any other products out side of her moisturizer and shamp and conditioner that we were already using, so i could verify if it was or wasnt working...

Id say this is an incredible serum and worth ANYONES trial, definitely not for babies or toddlers because they tend to be more sensitive to any product than an older child or adult.

I am so pleased with this serum and i was super skeptikal at first but im glad we tried it!!!! This serum in the sample size that i got initially would last several months.

After finding our Diva R was allergic to MANY types of elements that are in essential oils and herbal oils being that they are usually from Trees and the like, for all possible issues i discontinued use and it was a heart breaking decision but i had to make it for her health sake... Poor kid :( Allergies to nearly everything it seems... BUT not everyone who has nut or tree allergies would be affected by this, Diva is highly sensitive and it was precautionary more than anything because i would still be using it today if she wasnt.

Diva R's Mommy- Kim

1 comment:

  1. I just had no luck with the serum, like most things! :( C has no tree or nut allergies, but something in this serum still made her scalp break out very badly! I kept using it, and like you I just used less and only at her scalp but that did us no good either. Another thing I noticed is that the smell wouldnt stay in her hair- by the time her hair dried, the scent was gone. I had to stop using this before we noticed even a slight growth :( C's hair doesnt like any of the Bee Mine products for whatever reason, Im glad they worked for you!


We appreciate feed back, comments, suggestions and the like:) Please keep in mind this is a children's blog. All comments are moderated before approval.

God Bless,
Kim and Diva R