
Thursday, April 14, 2011

How To Part for / Do Zig Zag Braids My Way...

First off i have to say that i am by no means a professional and i am not claiming to be :) Just learning as i go and this is how i do my Zig Zag corn rows. I received requests on how i part for Zig Zag C-rows so here we go :)

There are three types of zig zag cornrows

*First type is the S looking cornrows
*Second type is the Z looking cornrows
*Third type consists of cornrowing a zig zagged PARTED section of hair by parting the entire section in a lightening bolt looking fashion or closer together sharply slanted Z shaped partings going back or downwards and then braid a regular cornrow down the middle of the zig zag parted section of hair :).

I know how to efficiently do the S looking or staircase looking squared off cornrows and the zig zag parting :) I have done lightening bolt parted cornrows but i haven't fully grasped Sharp corner zig zag cornrow Z's going back someones head yet. Mind you, i wasn't trying to make my parts perfect in this demonstration, i was moving rather quick and the zig zag cornrow isn't exactly the best I've done but it shows what 5 minutes (at least) can get you rushing...

This being a manikin head its also challenging to get the hair parted perfectly since its not a real scalp :)  I first sectioned off my desired section that i want to be zig zagged and in this case i chose to do 2 /3 of a full length section from mid-head to nape...

Here is my section that i am going to be zig zagging, i chose to taper off the section of hair that i am going to cornrow at the bottom of the section so the cornrow gets smaller as i go down, tapering off as well :) This isn't mandated nor the only way to do these zig zag cornrows, its just my preference and you could make a completely even section if you wish with no tapering bottom, if you do that it will be more widely gapped.

 Ok here is the parting breakdown, ALL i did was section my chosen section into same sized RECTANGLES (where i have the rat tail of the comb in the below picture is the spot between my first section box i created and rubber banded off and the second rectangular box i parted off) going down repeating the sectioning off of rectangular boxes until i reach the end point of the hair, as i went i rubber banded them off individually to keep them separated from one another. I like to part out my sections before i braid, its just a peeve of mine and it makes it so much easier for me to cornrow more evenly so i can just snip the rubber bands out of her hair as i curve down into each new section. I begin at the top right box generally and create a regular cornrow going towards the left and end it when the hair runs out and then i snip the rubber band and grab a piece of the leftmost corner of the lower box i just removed the rubber band from and cornrow downward into that section while curving my wrists and I've tended to switch it up and make figure 8 shapes by criss crossing each rectangular corner across to the opposing lower box's corner...

 Here is a side shot of how the parting would look...(excuse imperfections) You can achieve any of the zig zag braids just from this sectioning of the hair, its all in the writs curving and finger manipulating as you go.

OK SO i didn't video this zig zagged cornrow because it is to just illustrate the comparison between the rectangular parting prior to being cornrowed and the S curved zig zag cornrow resulting from my chosen method of hair grasping and parting.

When i braided the zig zag cornrow i didn't really part as i went like i should have because it turned out slightly sloppy and looser in some points but if i were doing this on Diva R or someone else i would have taken my time and parted with the rat tail comb/my pinky as i went :) With coarser hair its easier for the hair to "hold its place" when parted through my experience rather than fine loosely curly hair than tangles like mad! Or even long hair that is curly :)
But this was to just illustrate parting mainly for zig zagging or "s-rowing". One could start cornrowing from the top corner of the uppermost rectangle SLANTING downward as you cornrow, moving OVER to the left or right (depending on which way you want your cornrows to be angled), and SHARPLY SLANTING the cornrow downward in the opposite direction you slanted previously...

In case anyone is wondering how i get the practice head to stay in place while i braid and bend it all around like i do here is a picture of what it goes on :)

I just clamp it to anything "clampable" and start creating :) To get the manikin hair shiny manageable and to keep tangles away i used our new Juicy Spritz to moisturize it and it works wonders on real manikin hair even!!! This is the ONLY product i use on the practice head and a TINY bit goes a long way.... and the head is MIA and the current time getting the hair washed and conditioned and i have to blow dry it for 45 min and then let it air dry by consistently flowing air so mold doesn't accrue and the head completely dries It dries so wonderfully and health is restored!:)

I am going to post a video in the future just wanted to get this out there for anyone searching for new ideas :) Hope this helps...

Diva R's Mommy- Kim

God Bless.


  1. Great tutorial! I've always wondered how to do those kind of shapes with braids. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Wow, I love when I learn something new and you have definitely taught me something today! I never knew how to do the S shape braids. Great tutorial now I can try it on the diva's hair!


  3. Thank you Precious!!!

    I appreciate your kind words Diva Locks!

  4. Ive gotta get one of those manikins


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God Bless,
Kim and Diva R