
Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Diva R's BIRTHDAY Part 2 :)

Happy 4th Birthday Diva R! Mommy, Daddy and Z love you to pieces baby girl! Have a Blessed day in the Lords name and be ready to receive all the blessings ahead of you :)

I bet your wondering what a Diva would eat on her Birthday for breakfast.....
WELL by the choice of Diva R herself and let me tell you it took nothing but a second for this decision from beginning to end... She got to eat.................

AND she was living this moment up because this normally would NEVER fly in our household! What makes for a better breakfast of choice for kiddies than JUNK FOOD :) and I had made my son Z a bowl of cereal already and when he seen sister getting a cupcake he HAD to have one too :P Following breakfast was a day filled full of her choice in foods and activities!

I conventionally added it to his cereal so he would eat his cereal as well :) and he ate it all up!! and what a MESS i had after that :) But as the saying goes, cant do for one and not the other... *_*

Here is how Diva R's actual Birthday went and all of the included elements PRE-PARTY :)

We had just did an overnight set of braids the night before and before i took them out i spritzed her braids lightly with our Juicy Spritz and let it soak in slightly... Here are the results!

This one turned out rather gorgeous!!! and off to the Dr's we go... ( bad day for a Dr appt i know, but we had no choice :/) Mommy promised NO POKES though :) Needless to say her day turned our spectacular because Childrens Hospital knew it was her Birthday so they had given her a brand new board game, a bag full of American Doll stuff, a BIG box of new Crayola Chalk and oodles of easter goodies also :) Yay for Childrens they sure made my baby girls day turn right around :) KUDOS! 

After that we got her FAV MCD'S, i painted her nails, we played games, we went to the BEST local play place ever and played until we couldnt no more and then fell asleep LATE!!!

Diva R's Mommy- Kim


  1. Sounds like an amazing bday for a little diva!

  2. Aww sounds like you guys had a good time! Happy birthday Diva R!

  3. awww. so sweet. can i be your daughter too?!?! you gave me an awesome idea with the ballons. A turns 4 in may so i have plenty of time to plan!

    happy birthday you sweet lil diva!

  4. Aww Happy Birthday!! Her hair turned out so pretty!!


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God Bless,
Kim and Diva R