
Thursday, February 10, 2011

Today Marks Diva R's 5th day using the Bee Mine (No-Sulfur) Growth Serum

We applied the Bee Mine Growth Serum on her hair 5 days ago and we didn't reapply yet because it seriously didn't need any more yet.  But we will be re-applying some today. You can tell when this wears off by the pungent smell be gone.  Its not a bad smell its just really minty like.  The review will be complete in a few months time. But i will go and add tid bits along the way.  I can say upon first application i was very unsure of this serum and the smell was kind f a smell to get used to. I could be standing 10 feet away from her and smell it even 2 days later. It lasted through being washed and i would say so far we love this serum :) Its benefits are what we are striving for.

We will keep everyone posted :)

Today is crazy hair day so watch for the post!!! It will be super cute and different.

Diva R's Mommy-Kim


  1. I hear so many great things about Bee Mine Products and i want to try it so bad but i cant afford it ): cant wait to hear more about this product, hope it works well for you :D

  2. I've been real curious about this product as well...I'm very tempted to break down and purchase it. I'm going to folow these results for a bit first though.


We appreciate feed back, comments, suggestions and the like:) Please keep in mind this is a children's blog. All comments are moderated before approval.

God Bless,
Kim and Diva R